Electra Lane

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While I don't begrudge certain young celebrities for their endorsement power, it's frustrating when young, impressionable girls go to great, and sometimes harmful, lengths to look like said starlets.  Such is the case with the #KylieJennerLipChallege, where you use a shot glass and suction to plump your lips.


And, like any trend, full, pouty lips have become the biggest craze since strobing or full brows.  While I've discussed how to make your lips appear larger with makeup, that method takes quite a bit of time and requires several touch-ups.

So I tried a lip-plumping tool, which I Instagrammed (@ElectraLane) several weeks ago:

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Since then, I've tried using this device, which declares that it not only plumps your lips but works out the muscles around your mouth to reduce smile lines.  It did neither.

In fact, the last time I used it, it actually bruised my lips:


The lighting isn't great, but IRL it looked like I had just downed a few glasses of red wine.

So, short of fillers or implants, what's a good solution that doesn't take 38 steps or a PhD in makeup?


Shading is like contouring in that it crates shadows, but it's far less involved.  I've created a quick instructional video, but basically, you line your lips with bronzer.  It takes a little practice and the right product shade, but because it's powder, it stays on and looks far more natural than a lip liner.

Let's be honest - our lips are just fine the way they are.  But, if you do want to give the illusion of fuller lips like I often do, I hope you give shading a chance.  The other options simply are #NOTWorthIt.