Electra Lane

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I know you seen me on the video. (True.)

TBT to Lil Kim’s “Crush On You”…aka the jam…anyway… I was recently asked how Electra Lane’s personal video makeup lesson service works.  Let me explain.

How often to you search and search on YouTube for a particular tutorial only to a) not find exactly what you want, and/or b) be so confused by the ultra-advanced techniques, and/or c) feel like you must purchase hundreds of dollars of products and tools that you’ll likely never use again?  With ELn’s video makeup lesson, you get a YouTube-style tutorial to access at your leisure, as many times as you want, and personalized for you: your look, your face, your budget.

On my current video channel I show you what I do and what products/tools I use to achieve a look, but not necessarily how I do it.  If you’re a newbie who, for example, wants to learn an everyday, wear-to-work look, I’ll show which brush to get, how to hold it, how much product to load on the brush, where to place the brush on your face, and so on.

Check out my Vimeo page, and email me at jessica@electralane.com if this service interests you.